Talking all about cowhide rug cleaning and maintaining.
Cowhide is the new cool and comfy in the town. Its soft texture, strong build and beautiful look make it worth every penny you add to it. The rug adds a pop to your place. Let it be a drawing-room, a bedroom or just the hallway, cowhide rugs always adorn the place.
While these amazing quality cowhide rugs compliment you in so many ways; it's about time you return the favor to these harmless things lying at some corner of your house.
They say the best thing you can give to someone/ something is your care and attention. So that is what cowhide would also want from you. Just the other way round!
You might be wondering how the beloved cowhide rug that makes you place at home, needs your attention. The answer is simple: CLEANING! As everything dirty or unattended goes stale, these cowhides will too. So the more the care, the longer it will last.
How to clean your cowhide rug?
First things first, cowhide rugs cleaning. The natural patterns and the little dots here and there makeup to the beauty of these rugs and make them stand out from the usual floral ones. The challenge arrives when you start to clean a cowhide rug.
So how do you do this? It is simpler than you think. Just scroll below to know how you can clean your cowhide rug without much hassle and for the best results.
Shaking the rug
Cowhide rugs can last a lifetime with minimal maintenance. So if you live in a minimally dusty area and less muddy shoes interact with your cowhide rugs then shaking the rug is the best way to clean it. You can take the rug outside and shake it several times to get the dust and debris off and make the rug look all shiny like before.
The cow hides are made up of natural cow skin which makes them a leatherish stuff. This means they are durable but that also means they need no plenty of water for cleaning. As more water can make the cowhide rug lose its original shape and make the texture weary. If your cowhide is dusty and requires more cleaning than just shaking it off then you can go for vacuuming. Every house today has a vacuum and little strokes on the cowhide rug can make it all new and clean.
Why the vacuum? The vacuum cleaner picks on the smallest dust particles without ruining the shape or stretching on the stuff. It is an easy, everyday routine and makes your cowhide look good as new.
Note: do not nap the cowhide rug too vigorously!
Steam cleaning
Getting your rugs steam cleaned is very necessary. It is a thorough way of cleaning it and can be opted after longer times. Make sure you vacuum the rug before you steam clean it and then run the steam cleaner over it. This should be done in the direction of the cowhide hair on the rug and less saturation is required.
Blotting up
One of the very popular ways to clean a cowhide rug is by using a damp cloth. A very slightly damp cloth is required to make light and gentle strokes on the cowhide rug. You can use an old towel or washcloth and run it towards the nap. Make sure it is all done gently.
If the stain is persistent then you might use a little soap with the damped washcloth. Then rub gently over the stain. If the stain doesn’t bug you could use an organic shampoo over it just like you do to your hair. Massage thoroughly and rub a little vinegar later to prevent any materializing.
Run the dryer over it or let it air dry itself. Note: do not rub the spot too much this could ruin that particular area of your cowhide rug.
A lot of people complain that their cowhide rugs give off some strange smell or odor that comes out of it. The strange smell also has a solution. You can buy a deodorizer and sprinkle it on your cowhide rug and then run the vacuum over it. This would diminish any sort of bad smells from your cowhide rug. Make it freshened up.
Scraping up
If you receive a food stain on your cowhide rug then you can go for the scraping process. The solid particles of the stain can be removed first and then scrape with the grain of the cowhide hair. Scraping against the hair can damage the texture and ruin the pattern.
Grease Stains
Grease stains are the most stubborn ones. First of all, don’t make the mistake of grinding the grease in the rug because doing so will only make the stain stubborn. Use a damp soapy washcloth and apply it on the stain. A soap that is specially designed to remove greases would do the job better. Light rubs and little strokes are the best way to remove creases. Using eucalyptus on the stain can also help lift up the grease. You can also rinse the carpet to remove the grease.
If then the grease stays then you might have to call a carpet cleaning professional.
How to store your cowhide rug?
Folding the cowhide rug and shoving it in a dark closet is not the way to store a rug. Storing a rug becomes better and nicer when you roll it instead of folding it.
Keep the tug in a safe place where there is no water and no sunlight. This will help it not fade its color. A box or a safe trunk is the best place to store a cowhide rug. Most people make the mistake of storing the cowhide rug in plastic. DO NOT STORE IT IN PLASTIC. Plastic can damage the rug.
Things you should not do to your cowhide rug
Cowhides are very low maintenance and durable but they are a handful of rules for their protection. Some simple steps you should follow to protect them. These are:
● Keep your cowhide rug away from the water or damp area
● Never place a cowhide in a dryer or excessively hot places
● Do not use harsh chemicals while cleaning your cowhide rug
I hope your place looks aesthetic with your nicely maintained cowhide rug.